P.T.A &
Cheswick Green Primary School, Cheswick Way, Shirley Solihull B90 4HG
01564703336 Fax: 01564 702074
Week Beginning 10th February 2014
This week we have been looking at puppets. Thanks to
the fantastic designs the children created with your
help at home, we were able to create our own puppets
using a variety of resources. We had hand puppets,
finger puppets, string puppets and many more, all of
which were different. They look absolutely superb on
display in the unit. Thank you to all the parents or
carers in Foundation who show continuous support in
the weekly challenges. The children love showing us
what they have made or done with your help at home
and we love to see or hear about it.

We learnt about the different types of puppets and
were able to watch clips of the film 'Pinocchio'
throughout the week.
Foundation 2 worked very hard to label a character of
their choice in writing this week. Some fantastic work
Foundation. Well done!

The staff in Foundation hope you all have a lovely half
term and look forward to seeing you when you come

Click Here to see the designs Foundation did at home brought to life in the form of their very
own puppets.