The 'Blitz'

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Our Rememberance Day Service

On the 11th November 2016, the Year 6 children hosted the 'Remembrance Day Service' in the school hall. They had been practicing for a very long time because it was such a special event; they practiced singing with Mrs.Toogood – who massively improved the quality of it; a group of them made a slideshow; and other members of staff contributed just as much. Mr.McComas introduced the assembly and it kicked off from there. Year 4 played a little part by getting it rolling with some songs – 'You Are My Sunshine' and The Beatles’ 'When I’m Sixty Four'. Oliwia and Lowri welcomed the assembly and other children read their words mostly immaculately. Lia and Mollie proclaimed that in 5 minutes time we shall begin the minutes silence, the 5 minutes was occupied with the slide show explaining some subjects on 'Remembrance Day'. Then Angharad announced: “Can we now bow our heads and begin the minute silence.” Next some very hard-working children were asked to read out their poems; we sang 'We’ll Meet Again' and the rest of the children recited their lines clearly and audibly. Mr. McComas concluded the event and we returned back to the classrooms.

As part of our Year 6 Theme 'The Blitz' Year 6 children wrote and performed 'WW1' poetry, written in the first person, as if they were soldiers on the front-line in the trenches.

Please click on the link (left) to find out more about the Evacuees during WW2 from the BBC school website.

When the children first went up to year 6 in September their theme was the Blitz. This was a mind-blowing project. They mostly studied World War 2, with a little bit of the history of World War 1. The Year 6 pupils enjoyed learning about what happened to all the innocent children and adults that experienced living through the 'Blitz'. Did you know in London most parents of families were not able to stay with their children, because most of the children would go to a completely different family and home in a safer location. These children were called 'evacuees'.

Both classes read books about World War 2. Some of these books included; 'The Diary of Anne Frank', 'Carrie's War' and 'Adolphus Tips' by Michael Morpurgo. We also watched the films; 'Carrie's War' and 'Good Night Mr Tom'.

Furthermore, Year 6 visited the 'Tin Shed' in Laugharne and the 'Morfa Bay Trenches' during the autumn term. This helped to give the children first hand experiences to help them learn about WW2 and how people lived during this time.

This edition of the Johnstown Journal will include more information about our fantastic theme and other school events over the Autumn Term. We hope that you enjoy! I don't know about you but it seems like year 6 had a fantastic first term.

Please click on the video to find out more about our rememberence service.

Year 6 WW2 Poetry