Our Art Project

catrin williams

Our trip to Langland

On Monday 6 February 2017 the whole of newton primary school walked down to Langland bay to do some sketching of the great head lands of Langland based on Catrin Williams art


At9am it was time to leave for Langland. We got our bags and put our sketch book sand snacks in. then we lined up at the school gates and followed the year 5 toLangland.it was a tiring but fun walk. The steps down to the beach were very steep. When we walked we counted the steps and told jokes. On the way there were some really funky houses and lots of greenery. I could smell the fresh garlic it was lovely. Before we knew it we were down at Langland I could hear the waves crashing on the shore. It was a warm and glorious feeling.

Once we arrived at the beach Miss Rees our head teacher wanted to have a photograph for the school newspaper. She told use to go down onto the beach. On the beach the pebbles where very bumpy. For the small children it was hard because generally they have smaller legs than us. At last Miss Rees took the photograph. By then I was really cold and wanted to get started.

I twas now time to start sketching. So we all gathered up in a circle to decide where we were going to sketch. We decided to go and site at the west side of the beach. When we got there me and Anya found a really nice spot to sit and started to sketch. Our paper was flying everywhere but we managed. In the end we took 25 minutes to do our master piece.

Finally,we went and did our litter survey. It was awful how much man made stuff there was. There was a plastic bottle, plastic lids, underwear and a scooter handle.kes and then i was time to go back But as well as lots of manmade stuff there was lots of natural stuff is well.But the best bit a about it was when we ran about with Mr parkes and then i was time to go back .

I really liked this trip because of the sketching and when we found the underwear.


trip to langland