Our Art Project

catrin williams

Trip to Langland - by Anya

On Monday 6 th February 2017 the of Newton Primary walked down in classes to Langland bay for our art project based on Catrin Williams. To do sketching of Langland headlands and the beautiful valley.

At 9am we got ready for our trip to Langland, we filled our bags with sketchbooks and snacks and then we were ready to leave.The class walked down and lined up by the gates and followed year 5 five downto the steps. I could smell the garlics that surrounded me and the greenery. Mr Parvin said to hold onto the rails because the steps were uneven and bumpy. As soon as we knew it we were there. Then I could hear the waves crashing against the rocks and I could also hear the seagulls in the sky.

Once we arrived at the beach Mrs Rees our headteacher wanted to take a photograph to show the we were at Langland but it took a long, long time because little ones generally have short legs. Then we finally had our photograph taken. I felt a bit chilly of standing there but I couldn’t wait to get started on the activities and sketching.

It was now time for sketching. We went to the west side to sketch the east. I found a flat rock and got my sketchbook out and started sketching. After about 25 minutes my sketch was finished. It was great there was loads of detail then I didn’t feel so cold

Finally it was now time to do a litter survey we got into our groups our leader was MrParkes. We went to the end of the beach. There was a load of manmade things andwe had an Arial map of the beach. I was surprised but worried because we foundsome trunks that smelt like seaweed. There were too many man made things and itis bad for the environment.

I really enjoyed the trip I would like to go again. My favourite activity was the litter survey because it was interesting seeing how man made things people are littering.

Catrin Interview
