Thank You

What a fabulous, fun filled first week back! The children have shared with their friends and teachers all the fun that they had during the Christmas holiday. We then talked about the importance of saying thank you and we have written letters to express this. The children have had lots of fun posting their letters to their parents and carers at the local post box, one group of children were very lucky and saw the Postman delivering his mail! We would like to say thank you for taking the time to stop and talk with us as it made the trip extra special. We very much look forward to receiving repsponses to the post that we sent, the Postman will be very busy!

In Foundation 2 the children have been using paint and sponges to add and double numbers as well as programming our Bee-Bot toys. As you can see we have all been busy getting back into the school day routines. We are looking forward to a busy and exciting half term!