

A snake’s habitat is grasslands, deserts and rainforest. Also they live in towns. Interestingly, snakes live all over the world and can even be found in Britain.

Surprisingly snakes skins are leathery and scaly.

When a snake grows it has shed its old skin and grow a new one.

Did you know that a snake uses its forked tongue to taste and smell the air?

Some snakes give birth to a live snake and some snakes lay eggs. Female grass snakes lay up to 30 leathery eggs.

When a young grass snake hatches from its egg it breaks free from the yolk and sac and is ready to wriggle away.

It has a greyish black skin with a white collar.

Did you know that grass snakes eat lizards? A smooth snake eats a young bird and small mammals. Grass snakes eat frogs, toads, newts and tadpoles.
